Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Invent the disease, sell the cure.

Image source; Jerry Stahl
So I came across this article about Jerry Stahl in Co.Create via a Uni reading, about his writing history and his new book "Happy Mutant Baby Pills" encompassing pregnancy, drug addiction and how the farce of the pharmaceutical companies, doctors, via diagnosis of ADHD and other medical conditions.  What a fast insight articulated about what we all know about in our society.  How governments and large corporations do things in our 'benefit' but really it is based on greed and cover ups to varying degrees.  Progress covered in a cycle of deceit and cover ups.  I love his line that using Round Up in your garden is more toxic for you then shooting up heroin between your toes. 

So we have been sold the by products of large companies that are really not fit for consumption but are put into our water, glass of fluoride water anyone.  Also the fact there are more people abusing prescription drugs than illegally bought ones, house wives on prozac, people selling unwanted morphine tablets to heroin users for them to crush and inject.

This man, Dr Gabor Mate` was mentioned in the article, and his Ted talk is something that speaks so much sense.  The way people have been treated over time has led to lifestyles of addiction.  His explanation of addiction and why people do it and whether we are genetically predisposed to it can also be explained through how people have been displaced.  Progress without taking into account it's impact, is not progress.  It is just the manufacturing of new diseases that in the end they will sell the cure for. 

Read for yourself the links provided and make your own conclusion to the environment we live in today, not only externally but within ourselves.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Oil, Cars, plastic bottles and the Oceans ecosystem.

The first motor car designed by Carl Benz.

 As our life has evolved and progressed alongside technologies we have taken to throwing those products over our shoulder until the recent 20 years of second thought.  Though it is not a habit that has a reception of self responsibility attached to it, not only by us the user - consumer, but those that are the manufacturers, suppliers and manufacturers of new habits.

Understandably, being allowed to manufacture with the belief that we live on a planet with a never ending supply to fuel our cars, planes and lifestyle why should we think about our impacts.

source; www.greenerideal.com
But as our oceans become polluted by micro plastics, not the one's used in beauty products, the by product of plastic bottles (Australians alone use 2 billion bottles per year with only half ended up in land fill) and plastic bags breaking down from swilling around in the currents of the ocean.  As birds, plankton and other marine life can not distinguish between micro plastics and their real diet, resulting a modern problem occurring but not exclusively on Lord Howe Island.  This man made product is affecting Lord Howe Island's native birds as they are dying en masse, a fact resulting in a study by biologists to inquire why plastics were turning up inland on the island.  Dead baby native birds were found to be filled with these micro plastics as well as being found washed up on the shore line all over the Island. 

source; www.greenerideal.com

Though our footprint via the motor vehicle is competing parallel level of disruption.  The impact of the motor vehicle invented by Carl Benz in 1885, though promoted by his wife very passionately, is growing as our drive for oil has created wars, environmental disasters, political power struggles and corruption.  To connect these dots, makes you wonder on whether the opportunity cost is at a tipping point of questioning which way do we really want to go with this.  Bringing this to the fore is issues with our ocean and the danger oil and gas exploration causes.  One place is a unique piece of ocean off the Albany coast of WA that is a feeding and breeding ground for an insane amount of wildlife that has been ear marked for gas and oil exploration.  David Riggs documentary that is airing on ABC1 7.30pm 3/11/2013 Watch the Doco here goes into not only the habitat but also its future.

Albatross Chick (wikipedia)
So in the effort to make our lives easier we have created a wake of political and social maelstrom as we see our impact on the environment.  This consideration is no longer for eco warriors of extremists but every day people who make choices with their options to buy electric or diesel cars, or use bikes.  To use boxes and enviro bags for shopping and glass bottles for water, hell not even buying bottled water anymore.  The fact we resisted such an introduction of something so ridiculous, bottled water - something seen to be European not Australian, into our every day lives it has left a bigger footprint than we could have ever considered. 

But it isn't only the consumer that needs to consider their impact, it is the producers who need to take responsible for their impact on earth.  The Gulf of Mexico oil spill happened because in it's building they failed to test the cement to make sure it had set properly, a test that would have cost $20k+. 

Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill
Chad Nelson; Surf Rider

Friday, October 25, 2013

Russell Brand - the Messiah Complex, straight up.

Oh this is just too epic not to comment on this week.  His interview with Jeremy Paxman was aired on YouTube for the world to see and see they did.  At my first watch it was at 400k and now 2 days later it is over 4million.  Thanks to the help of social media but also to a major contributing factor, the content.

Throughout this interview RB kept not only his cool but his rational thought and bounced back from every question and joust that Paxman threw at him.  Not only did he do this but I do believe by the end of the interview he had Paxman questioning, based on Paxman's facial expression and body language, the garbage he had been listening to from politicians his entire career.

Russell put forward some great arguments about how we vote for people, people currently in politics who are not able to deal with the issues we have today.  Resolutions, debates and agendas that don't work for the people, it's just politicians doing what they know, politics.  RB made valid points that if we don't vote for anyone, or don't participate in the farce that has become global and national politics, we could through the means of social media and our new publishing abilities bring about a more utopian society.  Without giving an outline of how this would come about though as it is too complex to be contributed to by just one person.  But the resolution would involve a government capable, with efficient people, to provide a diplomatic way to implement the changes needed to see our growing societies flourish.  Through the management of social structures and environmental resolutions that make the everyday living easy and effective.

In our current voting structure we engage in a 'wary cooperation' which supports our sense of survival skills which our political parties currently align with for us.  With the appeal of the political outcomes which fulfils what we need to survive and succeed.  Though through the current dissatisfaction of the disproportionate advantage to some adds to the growing divide between those that can survive in today's world and those who are struggling.  It is because of this that the insight that RB offers of a time of change due.  And we are changing socially through what Clay Shirky's insight of collective intelligence, the pooling of intelligence and communal and civic value through our contribution of our free time, by creating social change through anyone with access to technology.  This could bring about the change in politics RB talks about in his interview, especially as social change takes the form of an organisation of generosity allowing us to create civic value.

It is through the medium of our new publishing technologies that this reality can be openly and broadly discussed and therefore a real possibility that this change could happen.  Though it may need a few evolutions as we are breaking through glass ceilings through exploring new technologies with more trust and openness than ever before.  So the changes within our politics will happen but at what pace, I am not really sure.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Torre de David - The Tower of David

This came onto my radar from last weeks episode of Homeland.  It was depicted in the show as being a residence for the belligerent and poor of Caracas, Venezuela to reside as a byproduct of a corrupt  government and social system.  But upon watching the Ted talk presented by Iwan Baan, I have seen it's benevolent manifestation of human condition to take control of their situation and make from it an existence that gives the people who reside there hope and dignity.  The persona shown in Homeland is to me a reflection of the beliefs of the politicians in Caracas who seek to eradicate this problem once the country has economic stability.  Advising that the Tower as it is, is not a place for squatters, they have to this day given them permission to live there or asked them to leave.

Photos by Angela Bonadies y Juan José Olavarría

Chris Arkenberg, 2013, www.concretedub.com
The slums encroaching on Caracas; A As Architecture

The reason the Tower of David known also as the worlds tallest slum, exists is due to the fact that the owner of the building, financier David Brillembourg, passed away in 1994 a year before the Venezuela economic banking crisis hit.  It's ownership was resumed by the government, this building, which is 60% completed, is a reminder to the government of not only their economic situation but the housing and social care for the country and city's most vulnerable.  It is estimated that 2 500 000 homes are required to reach the demand for housing within Caracas.  Caracas has rich oil deposits and other resources that instead of using it for their people, they use it for political gain.

Photo: U-TT/Daniel Schwartz

Within the Tower 2500 people across the 45 floors with the first 28 filled with families have made it home, as the rents are high and the residents some of whom work in the banks have had no other option than to seek to reside there.  The bad reputation of the Tower that of rapes, murders and drug activities, is generated by media and political influence to build a social bias towards the need to remove the occupants of the Tower.  Though as the slum that surrounds Caracas is consuming the hills in essence like a wave, the increase of residents within the tower is growing as the sense of community and the appeal of solid walls offers security.

The residents, not the government, have worked together to install services of electricity and running water within the tower, established businesses like barbers, corner stores and seamstresses have built an economy within the tower.  A motorbike taxi service exists to take people up to the tenth floor as there are no lifts.  They have built stairs to floors that previously were not accessible.  The residents initial claim to a space is made by hanging sheets and then over time permanent walls, kitchens and the necessary frame work to have a large enough apartment that will house their family is established.  These people have provided for themselves what their government has not.

Photo: U-TT/Daniel Schwartz  (a store within the tower.)

Photograph: Daniel Schwartz/Urban-Think Tank

Even though the Tower is a reminder of failure to the government, it is a symbol of hope to those who loose their homes due to heavy rainfall, other natural disasters and financial circumstances to be able to find a solid roof and embracing community.  The Tower of David is a symbol of human condition to be able to give hope and enable the residents the opportunity to turn something from repurposing that which has been abandoned.  Even though they have been rejected by their state, which sadly seems to be more common in countries that have forgotten to consider their nation as a whole when finding solutions, these people have shown that given the means to they can stand up again.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Bringing good choices into the everyday shopping.

Woolworths has had a two pronged positive reflection in the media this week.  On Wednesday night on the Gruen Transfer they were discussed in light of their recent affiliation with Jamie Oliver and his push to move Woolworths away from stocking caged eggs.  Jamie Oliver is a passionate advocate of good food and whole eating and bringing that home to the every day australian.  The choice Woolworths has made is to build their social economy within the every day life on sustainable shopping by offering a better choice through humane suppliers.

Then today in the Australian, Woolworths has "thrown a lifeline" to the Tasmanian growers by ceasing the import of frozen vegetables from China, NZ and Europe.  As discussed on GT this war between the two big Supermarkets, a monopoly of our times that is spreading to other every day supplies - petrol, alcohol and car servicing, will benefit the every day australian.

Who knows where this may lead, a response from Coles could be to improve their organic diversity or  to increase more local market product and breathe life back into the backbone of our produce economy.  A little more Australian pride and setting standards for ourselves to be inspired by.  When we give the people who produce our produce the means to support their families and build upon their business the whole chain of contact improves.

As it builds upon our prolific endorsement of cooking shows, travel or competitions, engaging in the behind the scenes of the Gourmet Farmer.  The culture of Farmers Markets, supermarkets coming on board and people shopping with their dollar, it may take a while but I believe that the waste that is prolific in our fresh produce will subside as the culture around and connection to our food will improve.

While this unravels the positive impact of sustainability will be allowed to be built on as our largest buyers of produce take on the battle of successfully adopting environmental and sustainable habits incorporated into their business.  The results could be life changing as we are a small enough country to make a difference to this kind of national sustainability.
Costa visits Northey Street Organic Markets Brisbane.  

This kind of living looks like it only belongs to the organics and biodynamics of our country but I think we are not so disparate in our ideals of sustainability and even though it may at times look like a big gap in the thinking of these to the mainstream, but I think it is truly closer than we think.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Political Influence and How it Affects Developments in Society and Architecture.

The political influence over artifacts is a topic that gives insight, for me, into the reasons architecture is built, societies and interest flourish or disappear.  As we engage in our most recent political artefact, our digital evolution. 

This blog is to offer a space for discussion, as I do not pose to have all the answers, but merely offer my discoveries to be open for debate and fact finding representation through this blog, an affordability of our times. About creations of the past and at times the present and how influences in society and politics have had a hand in shaping its ultimate outcome.

From political campaigns changing the landscape of politics, to Robert Moses bridge, the Panopticon of 1785 and the Guttenberg press.  All artifacts of change have a political nature influenced by society and the internet is definitely one that is still evolving with its ripples of effects on our developing landscape. To understand how it liberates and controls us by reflecting on how change has happened before and the resulting affects on society, may give us insight into our impacts on future constructions of influencers of change.

Robert Moses Triborough Bridge, now the JFK Memorial Bridge.

The Robert Moses bridge that was completed and opened in 1936 was designed and built to keep buses out of the park way of New York city and even though it was build almost 80 years ago it’s impact is still felt today. 

The changes in society and literacy that the Guttenberg press gave to people,   empowering people gradually through literacy.  Allowing opportunity and ease in the lives of people to have access to books in their home instead of travelling days to read the one copy available. 

Upon studying an art unit last year I was inspired by my new understanding of how the evolution of the techniques in art evolved as now famous artists broke from the rules of past.  When we design and explore and ‘break’ a mold, I find the excitement in not only witnessing this departure but also understanding its previous boundaries.  So I hope that within this blog that engaging with topics that I find interesting and discussing with people who are already engaged in conversation will bring about clarity of not only the past but the importance in making a change.

Gutenberg Press, 1436.

As man develops technology so does he become authoritarian of it, as Plato refers with his analogy of the captain of the ship at sea, "there needs to be a captain and a crew to get the work done".  (Winner, 1996)  So too with the invention and adoption of technologies, infrastructure, artwork and culture.  How we choose to interact with 'things' leads to its development and progression of it, discussion therefore allows us to instruct and enlighten ourselves to our influence on these manifestations. 

I look forward to in this blog, reviewing breaking topics and finding further background to the situations and how it is enmeshed into a history either to launch its departure of habit or understand why it is the way it is.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

How my interest became a blog topic.

Thinking back on what made the politics of things an important topic for me I think completes a full cycle of understanding life.  I grew up in a small North Queensland town where options were minimal, one private and one public high school, the private being Catholic and the public being for everyone else.  The minorities established their architecture to reflect their place in the history of our town.  The Catholic Italians established multiple churches, the private school and most of the businesses were owned by this demographic.  The racial majority of the Italians, even though the Chinese managed a  strong influence in the population to help establish this new frontier of Far North Queensland over 100 years ago.  The political architecture that is the Chinese Josh house in the main street of town, symbolises the fact that the Chinese community was strong in Innisfail and found refuge in Far North Queensland when the White Australia Policy was introduced only when it was withdrawn did the Chinese community all but disappear back down south. 

But this was all lost on me until the reading of a paper on the political nature of artefacts within a topic for Uni, this brought the proverbial light bulb moment for me.  The reading of the Robert Moses bridge designed in the 20's to stop public transport therefore the poor and the coloureds going onto parkways to this day still has the same impact, no public transport can ride it.  Even though he had influence over legislature, banks and unions 'his remaining influences were his technologies' (Winner, 2006).  This made me consider all the architecture that had influences on society not only in my small northern town, via the Catholic Italians and the Chinese and indigenous cultures but globally.  Also how it and what is was originally designed for and how it may have gathered a political presence as time goes by.

This social and political influence through technologies and artefacts gave way to another interest, communications, understanding the political influence within art, music, architecture and how that impacts the subliminal meanings of conversations.  Understanding on one level of communication through not knowing and understanding on another level through connecting the dots of influence through knowledge.  This got me curious to develop my ability to give more depth and understanding and ease through my ability to investigate and connect the political and social nature behind stuff-artefacts.  This topic and the unfolding potential of uncovering a nuance of the outreaching impacts of developments that in the past may have escaped my previous topics of discussion and investigation is something that I find exciting.

With my passion for travelling and the exploring I engage with of not only geographical and social effects but conversations with the people and their cultures along the way.  Recently after traveling through Dubai and uncovering the dissent within the community of how their city has been built on the blood of slave labour imported from India and other arab countries over the past 30 years.  Which we, the tourist, flock to because of the amazing architecture and the superiority of everything they have to offer to entice our senses in world first experiences. Or the 7000 year history of Malta and how the noble families of Europe invested in this 22 mile long country to assist in the victories of war, of which there were many, as this island was a political and strategic stronghold to those who wish to succeed in conquering Europe.   

In seeing how the evolution of life, culture and society is really filled with aspects that connect us all humanly through evolutions of architecture, art and social mediums such as music, film and theatre, this ability to explore this topic allows me to feel well positioned in my world in relation to the unspoken and diversely understood perspectives of the people I meet.  Not to judge but to understand and make sense of it for me who these people are and the essence of the culture that they come from, whether they be European, American, Arabic or New Zealand, it is their culture that forms the people, through developments of technologies and social structures of arts, we meet and we all have  political views and alignment and that is all built upon by our unique histories.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Ai Weiwei

A Chinese artist who study in America and has gone onto be a cultural and social activist in his home country.  He helped design the birds nest stadium for the Beijing Olympics and then refused to attend as they demolished poor suburbs in preparation for surrounding sporting arenas.  His initial inspiration to help is that he saw this contribution as a symbol of freedom for the Chinese people.

His father experienced great torture under the communist regime.  He has taken it upon himself to being to light topics that are in the underground of Chinese culture and bring it to the foreground within his art.  He has experienced great loss of freedom and physical harm in this process.

The Sichuan earthquake that killed 4900 children had such devastating effects due to the Chinese government cutting corners with the building supplies so the schools fell like chopsticks.  He did an art installation of 4900 backpacks in Munich to symbolise this to not only the Chinese government but to the world.

He has painted a Ming dynasty vase with a coke symbols.
He has dropped a Ming dynasty vase and taken photos of the sequence.
All these symbolise for him "the past does not control me, your regime do not control me"

He uses twitter as a medium to project his political views and bring to light what the government does to hymn a regular basis.  They tore down his new home as it was said to have been in align with their building codes and also fined him $1million dollars, the Chinese people in their droves sent money by mail and dropped money at his door.  These are poor people but they gave him what they could and they raised the money for this fine.

He was also instrumental in the publishing of 3 art books that were sold in the black market, grey, white and black covers.  This was works complied from a broad range of Chinese artists.

He was also responsible for a collection called Art & Dissent; in which he stood in front of landmarks and put his middle finger up and took photos of that.  It was his way of saying F you to the Chinese government who are always the target of his political and social activism.  His art is his expression of morality and is align with many Chinese, he is a brand for liberal thinking.

His movie; http://aiweiweineversorry.com/

His twitter address is; AWWNeverSorry

He is an amazing and brave man as well as very humble.

The backpack installations.