Activity 1;
Performing a proximity trace on websites to determine the track of the routers and see how many stops it took to get to the main server. From Australia all websites went through Singapore to get to the states. did 19 hops and took the longest out of the websites at 22.9 seconds to reach its server in California. 19796 miles did 17 hops in 3 seconds, this went to Europe, Germany, after going through both sides of the states, it's total distance was 11963 miles. did 21 hops in 2.7 seconds, this went to an island off the east coast of America, then to the west coast, east coast and back to the west to stop at
Some extras I did were it took 2.5 seconds to do 15 hops. this took 3 seconds and did 22 hops and ended up in Chicago. this took 22.2 seconds traveled 17493 miles and ended up in California
Second activity;
Who owns this:
Through the autowhois site. - yahoo owns this - google owns this - Disney Enterprises Inc
Who owns these domains and why? I did get involved in an online discussion with this. But it was mainly in a questioning way. Each of the companies listed are the parent companies and during the process of growth and business development they have acquired these companies to improve their online data researching and indexing abilities.
Mark monitor is a global online brand protection company, this is the registrar of all the above websites. They specialise in anti counterfeiting, anti piracy, anti fraud and also domain management. It's all about intellectual property of these major companies as well and keeping in control of their online presence.
Curtin study unit web101
I had this all written in a pages journal and didn't have the time or sense to start this earlier.
This unit was about distinguishing what the difference is between the world wide web and the Internet. The Internet is a connection of computers through networking cables, routers, satellites and software. the importance of the theorists of technology and the software developers especial Sir Tim Berners-Lee, all these creative people, including Steve Jobs with the software that he developed with his defunct Next computer, we're all pivotal role players in how the web and Internet came about.
Server client networks, peer to peer networks, packet switching and IP - internet protocols identifies your computer and TCP allows data packaging to happen and find the easiest way to the IP address of my computer - hyper texting allowed us to be creative with how the page looks on the computer.
The improvement of bandwidth came the improvement to bring more of the outside world and social world into the home. Noticing myself how we can watch YouTube,download movies and use apple tv all with the use of broadband.
SMTP - is the rule that is used to set up the protocols of the email addresses on any device that is used so that we may receive our emails to our iPhones, iPads or iMacs, without glitches.
FTP - file transfer protocol is more a background protocol that we don't see so much but it allows the efficient transfer of files. Name says it all.
Download speed of my broadband was 9297 Kbps
Upload speed was 442kpbs
Prior to this unit I was not aware of how this all came about on the internet and world wide web. I was not aware of the difference in the terms. I am more enlightened on the importance of web developers and programmers based on code and how their code can change, improve the look of websites. I did not grasp this fully but looking back from reading, researching, watching and using my website and apps more I understand now the importance of code and how it travels across the internet.
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